
A 12 week step by step fitness coaching program for beginners.

Available in group and one on one as well!

I help beginners to end confusion, create consistency and work out confidently.

I want you to feel confident.

I want you to BE STRONG.

I want you to love yourself.

Why it works?

This is a system that teaches you step by step basic exercises to help you understand what YOUR body needs. You’ll discover how easy it is to be consistent while creating a healthy and fit body.

Why it’s different?

It is actually designed for BEGINNERS who are struggling to start their fitness journey due to lack of accountability, guidance, confidence and support.

Program overview


To be able to challenge your body through movements correctly and feel results you will need the precise fundamentals of exercises. In order to have that, your movements need to be supervised carefully. When you know the right exercise forms for basic exercises and you practice it over and over again, you create a STRONG foundation with endless possibilities. It’s essential to an injury free Fitness Journey.

Discipline & Commitment

Then you will need to build on the basics in a way that gradually challenges your body with different type of movements. Having the pilates and yoga inspired exercises in this program - aside of weight training and cardio - allows you to learn how to breathe through movements and improve your flexibility. Also because this program uses LIVE classes-coaching, you have less chance of giving up on any challenge you may face during the workout.

Consistency & Support

Lastly but most importantly the step towards a fulfilled body, mind and soul is CONSISTENCY. Knowing what to do and how to do will not get you and keep you strong and healthy. Regular exercise will and that is when the extra support will play a key role in accountability. The step by step method, the community, LIVE feedback and the coach guidance will make all the difference in this fitness coaching program.

We don’t stop moving because we get old.

We get old because we stop moving.

Those who have been taking my classes for over a decade.

What you will get:

Unlimited coaching

I will be there with you every step of the way. I will listen and will help with any questions you may have. I will hold you accountable and keep you going, even through the hardest challenges you may face during this journey. I will make sure what you do is best for YOUR body and that you are NEVER feeling alone with your struggles. I will guide you and support you to get where you want to be.

Step by step learning method

I will teach you 2 different types of carefully crafted classes weekly. Each class builds on each other to ensure precise form and proper progression. You will be able to celebrate accomplishments often and grow your confidence rapidly. Your consistency and commitment will result in strength and physical freedom.

Pre-recorded and LIVE weekly classes

I will provide you with 2 pre-recorded classes with music, instruction and a whole lot of motivation and 1 LIVE class-guidance weekly, where I will have a chance to look at you move and correct you if necessary. This will ensure that you are learning the exercises right and keep you injury free. LIVE classes will boost your motivation, keep you engaged and infuse you with positive energy.

Powerful Community

When you start exercising with like-minded people together in a group and your struggles are verbalized and heard, you will get through any challenge you may experience. When you won’t feel like working out - we all have those days! - this community will keep you in the game, will help you stay focused, while supporting you in taking those actions regularly.

Discover your uniqueness.

Live a fulfilled life in physical freedom.

BeginnersFit will make you feel strong and healthy in your body, focused and positive in your mind, and fulfilled and relaxed in your soul, in the comfort of your own home.