Privacy Policy

Adrienn’s Fitness Room LLC

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully before using this website. 


Privacy Policy Consent


The website and its content are owned and operated by Adrienn’s Fitness Room LLC (hereinafter “Company”, “we”, or “us”). As used in this Privacy Policy, the words “you” and “your” refers to any viewer or user accessing (hereinafter “Website”).


The following Privacy Policy statement describes how we collect, use, process and distribute your information, including your Personal Identifiable Information (as defined below) used to access this Website. The following also provides the rules that govern use of our site. The use of information collected through our sites shall be limited to the purposes under this Privacy Policy and our Terms and Conditions.


We encourage you to please read this Privacy Policy carefully. By using our Website or its content, you consent to this Privacy Policy, whether or not you have read it. Please be advised we reserve the right to modify, alter, or update this Privacy Policy at any time. We will post any such change at this site. Any changes will apply prospectively. Your continued use of our site following the posting of changes to this Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance and consent of any and all posted changes.




This Privacy Policy statement applies only to information you provide to us online while visiting our Website. Use of any personal information or contribution that you provide to us, or which is collected by us on or through our Website or its content is governed by this Privacy Policy.  This Privacy Policy does not apply to information we have obtained offline, or through other means.


Information is Provided Solely for Informational Purposes


All materials on our website (hereinafter "Materials") are provided solely for informational purposes. The Materials are not intended to constitute any advice. Your viewing or use of the materials shall in no way create any relationship with Adrienn’s Fitness Room LLC or any of our partners, associates or affiliates.


Personal Information is Private and We Limit Our Use


The information you may provide in visiting our site falls into two categories: Personal Identifiable Information and Aggregate Information. "Personal Identifiable Information" is information that can be used to identify or contact you, such as your name, email address, or mailing address. "Aggregate Information" is information that does not identify you, and may include, for example, statistical information concerning the Web pages on our site that users most frequent. Our Privacy Policy governs both categories of information. The information we receive depends upon what you do when you visit our site, as detailed herein. We do not share with unrelated third parties any Personal Identifiable Information you provide to us. By “unrelated third parties” we mean anyone who is not directly involved in the maintenance or running of our site, or not involved in fulfilling requests you make at our site. We use Personal Identifiable Information you provide to us when you visit our site strictly for the purposes for which you have provided it. For example, if you request to receive our newsletters and notices of events, and you provide us with contact information, we will use that information to contact you regarding your request or to send you the information. If, at any time, you decide you no longer wish to receive such information, simply notify us at .


Security of Your Personal Data


Adrienn’s Fitness Room LLC takes commercially reasonable steps to protect your  Personal Identifiable Information you provide to us from misuse, disclosure or unauthorized access. However, we cannot personally guarantee that no data breach will occur and in the event that a breach shall occur, we will notify you immediately along with taking adequate steps to rectify the breach. However, we do recommend you take every precaution in protecting your Personal Identifiable Information Data when you are using the internet such as changing your passwords often using a combination of letters and numbers when creating passwords. In addition, we recommend you use a secure browser while doing so.


Information We May Collect


As a user or viewer of our Website, we collect Personal Identifiable Information from you so that we can provide you with a certain experience when utilizing our Website or its content.  As such, we may collect:


​•​Your name and email address so we can deliver our newsletter to you with your consent. 


​•​Billing information for the processing of payment. 


​•​Your name and email address if you complete our contact form with a question.  


​•​We may send you marketing emails with either your consent or if we believe we have a legitimate interest to contact you based on your contact or question. 



Please note that the information above Personal Identifiable Information that you are providing us is purely with your consent, and at any time, you are welcome to remove your consent by requesting to opt out by sending to an email to .


Mobile Application


When you download and use our products, we automatically collect information on the type of device you use, operating system version, and the device identifier (or ”UDID“). We may send you push notifications from time-to-time in order to update you about any events or promotions that we may be running. If you no longer wish to receive these types of communications, you can turn them off at the device level. To ensure you receive proper notifications, we will need to collect certain information about your device such as operating system and user identification information.



Use of “Cookies”


We may collect Aggregate Information about your use of our site through cookies and similar Internet technologies. “Cookies” are small pieces of information that a website transfers to your hard drive, where it is stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive for record-keeping purposes. If we use cookies, they do not collect or retain your name or other Personal Identifiable Information. If we use cookies, we will treat all information that may be collected through cookies and similar Internet technologies as Aggregate Information. In addition, no third parties are permitted to use cookies we may create at our site for their own purposes. Please be advised, however, that sites you link to from our Website may use cookies. You should read and understand the privacy policy of the site(s) you link to in order to determine whether and how a particular site uses cookies. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or indicate when a cookie is being sent. Please consult the help section of your Web browser software to learn how to do this.


If you Visit our Site to Browse or to Read or Download Information


We may collect and store: the name of the domain name and host from which you access the Internet; the Internet Protocol address of the computer you are using; the browser software you use and your operating system; the date and time you access our Website, and other activity on our Website; and the Internet address of the Website from which you linked to our Website. If we collect this information, we use it for system administration, to measure the number of visitors to our Website, to improve site performance, to help us make our Website more useful and/or to gather broad Aggregate Information. We do not link an Internet Protocol address to your Personal Identifiable Information, meaning that a user’s session will be logged but the user remains anonymous to us. If we do decide to link any aggregate information, or your Internet Protocol address to your Personal Identifiable Information, we will treat the resulting information as “Personal Identifiable Information” for all purposes under our Privacy Policy contained herein.


Rights For EEA Visitors Only

If you are a visitor from the EEA, our legal basis for collecting and using your  Personal Identifiable Information described above will depend on the personal information concerned and the specific context in which we collect it.

However, we will normally collect personal information from you only:

i.​Where we need the personal information to perform a contract with you.

ii.​Where the processing is in our legitimate interests and not overridden by your rights; or

iii.​ Where we have your consent to do so. 

If we collect and use your personal information in reliance on our legitimate interests (or those of a third party), this interest will normally be to operate our services and communicate with you as necessary to provide our services to you and for our legitimate commercial interest, for instance, when responding to your queries, improving the services we offer, or for the purposes of detecting or preventing illegal activities. 

If you have questions about or need further information concerning the legal basis on which we collect and use your personal information, please contact us by sending us an email to:

EEA Data Protection Rights

If you are located in the EEA, you have the following data protection rights:

​•​If you wish to correct or update your Personal Identifiable Information, you can do so at any time by either logging into your account where necessary, or by sending us an email to:

​•​If you wish to access or request deletion of your Personal Identifiable Information, you can do so at any time sending us an email to: 

​•​In addition, in certain circumstances you can object to processing of your Personal Identifiable Information, ask us to restrict processing of your Personal Identifiable Information or request portability of your Personal Identifiable Information by contacting us by . 

​•​If we have collected and process your Personal Identifiable Information with your consent, then you can withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing we conducted prior to your withdrawal, nor will it affect processing of your Personal Identifiable Information conducted in reliance on lawful processing grounds other than consent.

​•​You have the right to complain to a data protection authority about our collection and use of your personal information. For more information please contact your local data protection authority. 

How We Use the Information We Collect


We may use your Personally Identifiable  Information that we collect from you, for a range of reasons, including:


​•​To contact you to deliver goods or services you purchase from us.

​•​To process your payment for the purchase of goods or services under any contract you have with us.  

​•​To provide the products and services you request, process transactions and send you related information, including confirmations and receipts.

​•​To run targeted social media advertisements. 


​•​To share your information with trusted third parties such as our newsletter provider.

​•​To provide support and improve our services and to manage system administration and security.

​•​To respond to your comments, inquiries and requests and provide customer service. 

​•​To link or combine information that we collect directly with information from third-party sources or multiple devices to help understand your needs, provide you with personalized content and provide you with better service. 

​•​To personalize and improve your experience and deliver content or features that match your profile and interests.

​•​To send you promotional communications in accordance with your marketing preferences.

​•​To perform statistical, and marketing analyses of user behavior.

​•​To manage your accounts, and send you technical privacy policy and service updates, security alerts and other administrative messages. 

​•​To comply with or enforce legal requirements, agreements and policies.

​•​To carry out any other purpose for which the information was collected.

​•​To perform other activities that are in our legitimate business interests and consistent with this Privacy Policy. 



Your Personal Identifiable Information that your share with us is confidential. However, please note that we may disclose such information:

​•​To contractors, service providers, and other third parties we use to support our business and who are bound by contractual obligations to keep personal information confidential and use it only for the purposes for which we disclose it to them.  


​•​To fulfill the purpose for which you provide it.  


​•​For any other purpose disclosed by us when you provide the information. 


​•​With your consent. 


​•​To comply with any court order, law, or legal process, including to respond to any government or regulatory request. 


​•​To enforce or apply our Terms of Service, Terms and Conditions, and other agreements, including for billing and collection purposes. 


​•​If we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to protect the rights, property, or safety of our customers, or others.  




To use certain features of the Website, you will need a username and password. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the password and the account, and are responsible for all activities, whether by you or by others, that occur under your account or  password. You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your password or account or any other breach of security. We cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to protect your password or account information.


Accessing and Managing Your Personal Data


We believe it is important for you to be able to access and manage your account and the information you have provided to us and make choices about how it is used. To inquire about or update your information, or change your preferences, you may contact us at any time at .


You have the right to:


​•​Request information about how your Personal Identifiable Information is being used and request a copy of what Personal Identifiable Information we use. 

​•​Restrict processing if you think the Personal Identifiable Information is not accurate, unlawful, or no longer needed. 

​•​Rectify or erase Personal Identifiable Information and receive confirmation of the rectification or erasure. 

​•​Withdraw your consent at any time to the processing of your Personal Identifiable Information. 

​•​Lodge a complaint with a requisite authority if you feel we are using your Personal Identifiable Information unlawfully. 

​•​Receive Personal Identifiable Information portability and transference to another controller without our hindrance. 

​•​Object to our use of your Personal Identifiable Information. 

​•​Not be subject to an automated decision based solely on automatic processing, including profiling, which legally or significantly affects you. 


Ownership of Site Contents; Downloading


Unless otherwise noted, all text, images, illustrations, design, icons, photographs, video clips, and other materials that are part of our Website (collectively “Contents”) are copyrighted works, trademarks, trade dress, or other intellectual properties owned, controlled, or licensed by Adrienn’s Fitness Room LLC or used under principles of “fair use.” The Contents of our site and the Website as a whole are intended solely for your personal use. You may download or copy the Contents and other downloadable materials displayed on our site for such uses, provided that you do not remove any copyright or other proprietary notices contained on the materials. By allowing you to download these materials, we expressly do not transfer to you any right, title, or interest in the materials.


Content of User-Posted Information; Other Use of Site


You are prohibited from posting or transmitting any advertising “spam,” unlawful, or other material we deem inappropriate for our Website. We disclaim all responsibility or liability arising from the content of any user postings. You agree to refrain from undertaking any activity that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionate burden on our Website. Adrienn’s Fitness Room LLC reserves the sole an absolute discretion to deny, revoke, or otherwise restrict the access privileges of any user who at any time fails to comply with this Privacy Policy.


No Spam Policy


Spam is any commercial email sent without the recipient’s permission, and  we have a no spam policy. At any time you have the ability to opt out of any of our mailings and  our communications by either selecting the unsubscribe link at the footer of our communications.

If at any time you, you’re experiencing problems unsubscribing, please contact us at .


In addition of not spamming you, we also take the necessary steps to ensure that we’re compliant with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 by never sending out misleading information. Also, we will never sell, rent or share your email address.


If at any time you would like to update or correct your Personal Identifiable Information you have previously provided to us, feel free to contact us using the contact information provided on our Website, and we will update or correct your Personal Identifiable Information to the extent your request does not compromise our privacy policies. In addition, if you request, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to remove your name and Personal Identifiable Information from any database(s) we may maintain. Please understand, however, that it may be impossible to remove this information completely, due to backups and records of deletions. If you wish to remove your name from any database(s) we may maintain, please notify us in writing to this effect by using the contact information provided on our Website.

Third Party Websites


Our website may utilize hyperlinks to access third party sites, which are not controlled by us and, therefore, are not subject to this Privacy Policy and cannot be held liable for the privacy of the information on their website or that you voluntarily share with their website. We recommend that you review the privacy policies of those third-party sites to determine how those owners and proprietors of those sits utilizes your information.


Data Controller


The Data Controller of your Personal Data Identifiable Information is Adrienn’s Fitness Room LLC. In the event that we use third-parties as our data controller or processors, such as for payment processors and email marketing, we assure you we will use reasonable efforts to make sure our data processors are GDPR- compliant.


User Comments


All comments, feedback, postcards, suggestions, ideas, and other submissions disclosed, submitted, or offered to Adrienn’s Fitness Room LLC through our Website or otherwise disclosed, submitted, or offered in connection with your use of our site (collectively “Comments”) shall be and remain the property of Adrienn’s Fitness Room LLC. You agree that Adrienn’s Fitness Room LLC may use or disclose Comments in any manner consistent with our Privacy Policy. Adrienn’s Fitness Room LLC shall be free to use, without restriction and without compensation to you, any ideas, concepts, know-how, suggestions, or techniques contained in any Comments you send to us for any purpose whatsoever. Adrienn’s Fitness Room LLC has no obligation to respond to any Comments, and we reserve the right, but undertake no duty, to review, edit, move, or delete any material posted by users on our site, in our sole discretion and without notice.


Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance


Our website is for adults over the age of 18. In compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU (GDPR), we do not collect any information from anyone under 18 years of age in compliance with COPPA and GDPR. Our Website and its content are directed to individuals who are at least 18 years old or older. In the event we become aware of actual knowledge that a user of our Website is under the age of 18, we will take all reasonable steps to remove the user’s Personal Identifiable Information from our database.

International Users


Our website is hosted in the United States of America. If you are using our website from outside of United States of America, your personal information may be transferred to United States of America for processing and maintenance in accordance with this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Conditions. Please note that privacy laws in the United States of America may differ from the laws in the country where you are located and may not provide you the same rights or protections for your personal information. However, we have taken appropriate safeguards to require that your personal information will remain protected in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


Changes to Our Privacy Policy


We reserve the right to modify or change this Privacy Policy at any time to reflect any changes in law or in our privacy policy. These changes and/or modifications will become effective immediately upon posting our updated Privacy Policy. We may notify you about any material change to our Privacy Policy either email or by a prominent notice on our Website; therefore, please review this Privacy Policy periodically. In the event of any changes to our Privacy Policy, your continued use of our Website or following any posting of changes and/or modifications constitutes your acceptance and consent of the revised Privacy Policy.

Website Disclaimer

While we use reasonable efforts to include accurate and up-to-date information on our site, we make no warranties or representations as to its accuracy. Adrienn’s Fitness Room LLC assumes no liability or responsibility or any errors or omissions in the content on our website.


Please note that some jurisdictions may not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so some of the above exclusions may not apply to you. Check your local laws for any restrictions or limitations regarding the exclusion of implied warranties.


You agree to defend, indemnify and hold Adrienn’s Fitness Room LLC harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, costs, and expenses, including attorney’s fees, arises from or related to your failure to comply with this Privacy Policy.

Limitation of Liability

Neither Adrienn’s Fitness Room LLC nor any other party involved in creating, producing, or delivering our website shall be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, special, indirect, or punitive damages arising out of your access to or use of our website.

Choice of Law and Jurisdiction

Unless otherwise specified, our Website thereof are displayed solely for the purpose of promoting the goods and services  of Adrienn’s Fitness Room LLC. Our Website is controlled and operated by Adrienn’s Fitness Room LLC from its location in Astoria, NY, or United States of America. This Privacy Policy and your agreement to it  shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, or United States of America without regard to any conflict of law provisions. Any dispute arising under this Privacy Policy shall be resolved exclusively by the state or federal courts sitting in New York, or United States of America, or alternatively, through arbitration applying the laws of the United States of America and the State of New York.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices please feel free to email us at or write to us at:

Adrienn’s Fitness Room LLC
4505 Newtown rd
Astoria, NY,11103

When contacting us, please include your full name, address, phone number, and email address, and indicate the specific nature of your request.


Last Updated:  March, 2023